Colorful Explosions in the Garden


My parents flag flying in their yard under the loblolly pines I grew up with.
As I was mowing the lawn, I noticed all the colors that the garden is bursting with today! I wanted to share all these beauties with you! If you have some amazing plant pretties in your garden please share them in the comments!! 

Beautiful Huge Zinnia
I think this is a Snow in Summer but I am not 100%. It came in a packet of wildflower seeds.

Delicious Spiderwort Flowers

Butterfly Bush Flowers with their heavenly, honey scent.

Smaller Zinnia in our wagon garden.

Small baby Marigold Flower.

The Elder is in bloom big time! It is HUGE!

Our purple Crepe Myrtle.

Blazing Star is glorious!

Yummy and Beautiful Nasturtium.

Virginia Dayflowers that happily grow where ever you don't mow.

Our pink Crepe Myrtle. I absolutely love how the Crepe Myrtles always bloom this year! It is like fireworks in our backyard!

Enjoy the fireworks or search for nature's fireworks in the little lightning bugs! 
Take a moment to remember all those who have stood/are standing to defend our freedom and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Stay safe!! 


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