Summer Solstice

Gladiolas from the kids' garden

Today was a beautiful solstice day! I love to roll with the seasons so I like to celebrate each of them in some way. So today we all started in the gardens! It has been unusually hot here for the month of June but some nice thunderstorms in the evenings lately have been helping to keep the plants happy!

My youngest talking to the bees this morning on the Bee Balm
 We had so much fun relaxing together! My husband and I drinking coffee, while laughing at one of our dogs, watching the birds, and doing a little pruning and harvesting.

Harvest from the herb garden 
 The best part of the day was a short hike at Medoc Mountain. One of our favorite places to hike around here. It is always gorgeous out there!

A brilliant blue dragonfly who wanted his picture taken! 
 My oldest, that was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease, loves to hike but since her flare up she has been very fearful to attempt it. She didn't want to come, but I told her I won't let this disease make her stop living her life so she had to go but we would go at her pace. She made it and was so proud of herself when she finished! I was proud of her too! 

My oldest after the hike! All Smiles!!!
 My intention with this blog post was to talk about St. John's wort since this was the traditional day to harvest it, however there was none to be seen on our walk today so I will save it for another day. I hope that you got to get outside and do something amazing for the first day of Summer! I hope your entire season is filled with bright, cheery goodness!! 


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